Fly nonstop-Most accidents occur during the take off climb descent and landing phase of flight sp flying non stop would reduce exposure to these most accidents prone phase of flight .
Choose bigger aircrafts-Now , all air crafts with more than 30 passengers seats were designed and certified under the strictest regulations. Also , in the unlikely event of a serious accident, larger aircrafts provide a better opportunity for passenger survival.
Keep the over head storage bin free of heavy items-Over head storage bins may not be able to hold very heavy objects during turbulence , so if you or another passenger have trouble lifting an item into the bin, have it stored else where .
Fasten your seat belt -Keeping the belt on provides that extra protection you might need if the plane hits unexpected turbulence .
Listen to the flight attendants – The primary reason flight attendants are on an air craft axis for safety , so if one of them asks you to do something like fastening your belt , do it fast and ask questions later .
Give flight attendants a chance to serve you -Flight attendants are trained to handle hot drinks like coffee or tea on a moving air craft , so allow them to pour the drink like coffee or tea on a moving aircraft , so allow them to pour the drink and hand it to you.
Don’t drink too much -The atmosphere in the airliner cabin is pressurized to about the same altitude as Denver , so any alcohol you consume will affect you more strongly than at sea level.
Be alert -In the unlikely event that you are involved in an emergency situation , such as a precautionary emergency evacuation , follow the directions of the flight attendants and flight crew and exit the air craft as quickly as possible.
Stay away from suspicious circumstances -If you encounter potential hazards such as un accompanied packages , suspicious behavior, or an un usual commotion in the air port , move away from the situation before contacting some one in authority . If necessary , warn others in the vicinity.
Become familiar with your air craft -When you are first seated review the written safety instructions ,read the safety data card an the seat pocket infront of you. count the number of rows to the nearest exit towards the front of the plane , and check to see if there are seat back telephone available .
Have a plan for the emergency of a wireless device -In the event of an in- flight emergency , you should take stock of the situation before using any communications device , including the aircraft’s seat back telephones. If you are a flight emergency , you should take stock of the situation before using any communications device , including the air craft ‘s seat back telephones . If you are a flight attendant or other employee , contact an appropriate office or department at the airline.
Work as a team – If the situation on the air craft has the potential for danger, it is usually better to share information with crew members and other passengers and to work together . Individual action , either during normal emergency or during a hijack or other deliberate threats to the air craft , is usually much less effective than the coordinated group action.
What to wear to reduce risks – In the unlikely event of an air plane evacuation via escape slides , synthetic fibers can become very hot due to friction , and melt causing first , second and even third degree burns to the body and legs . Take note of these tips when traveling to ensure your comfort and safety.
-Wear clothes made of natural fiber such as cotton ,wool, and leather . These fibers offer the best protection during and airplane evacuation or fire . Synthetics such as rayon , polyester , nylon can melt when heated .
-Wear clothing that is roomy and comfortable .
-Wear long pants and long sleeves . Avoid wearing shorts or skirts since these types of clothes do not appropriately cover extremities.
-Wear low- heeled laced or strapped shoes or boots . Shoes made of leather or canvas are preferable . High healed shoes will have to be removed before leaving the airplane via escape slide . This will slow your departure from the air plane and put you at risk for severe injury from possible hazards such as broken glass , or metal debris .
Avoid wearing sandals for the same reasons.